Take, Eat; This Is My Body
This is an all too familiar verse with every church-attending folks. But how many understand the cost behind those words?
Matthew 26. This is a chapter that relates the betrayal, the loneliness and the abandonment of Jesus at His darkest hour on earth. Before they had the final Passover feast, He already knew He had been sold out for 30 pieces of silver by the one of His very own - one who had been personally taught and discipled by Him. One whom He had loved as His own, Yet He did not reject the betrayer nor threw him out of the way.
Instead, Jesus broke bread and said, "take, eat; this is My body." And with the wine He said, "take, drink; for this My blood of the new covenant."
This is love personified. When love would say to the betrayer, "even though you have sold me out for some silver pieces, I will die on the Cross for you."
If you'd read on in Matthew chapter 26, you'll see that they had gone on ahead to the Mount of Olives where every one of the twelve apostles had firmly declared that they will never abandon nor disown Jesus. At the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus had with Him Peter, James and John and there He was going through the darkest hours of His time on earth. He began to show grief, distress or mind and was deeply depressed... He had to 'die' to the choice of going to the Cross before it happened. But not one of His closest friends stood by Him in His suffering. They all slept...
"Take, eat; this is My body..."
When the people who had wanted Jesus dead came to get Him, all His closest friends deserted Him and fled.
"Take, drink; for this is My blood of the new covenant which is being poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins..."
The ultimate abandonment was His dying alone hanging on that Cross. (see Matthew chapter 27)
He had given His all for us, even though we would not know Him, so that we could have a chance of truly living. We will never know how much it had cost Him, to see our sins upon that Cross. But it was not sin that hung Him on the Cross.
It was His Love for us that nailed Him to the Cross.
"Take, eat; this is My body..."